nachhaltig einkaufen

Willkommen bei Bonnibold -
Dein nachhaltiger Textil Online Shop!

Entdecke die Zukunft der Mode: Mehr Nachhaltigkeit, echtes Handwerk und tiefer Respekt gegenüber Tradition, Mensch, Tier und Natur.

Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit im Einklang

Nachhaltige Kleidung von höchster Qualität: Unsere umweltfreundliche Produktion garantiert stilvolle Nachhaltigkeit

Bonnibold Tücher sind Handgewebte Schätze

Entdecke unsere einzigartigen Tücher, die von talentierten Frauen hergestellt werden. Jedes Tuch erzählt eine Geschichte von Handwerkskunst und Hingabe.

Herstellung: Unsere Tücher entstehen auf alten Webstühlen, die von Frauen bedient werden. Diese erfahrenen Künstlerinnen bringen jahrhundertealte Traditionen zum Leben und weben mit Liebe jedes einzelne Stück.

Material: Die Tücher bestehen aus hochwertiger Baumwolle und Leinen, sorgfältig ausgewählt, um dir ein Gefühl von Luxus und Komfort zu bieten. Diese natürlichen Materialien machen unsere Tücher nicht nur schön, sondern auch nachhaltig.

Tauche ein in die Welt der handgewebten Schätze und genieße ein Stück Tradition und Qualität in jedem unserer Produkte!

RESPECT. For people, animals & nature.

For us, sustainable fashion means that the textiles are manufactured and sold in a way that is kind to people and nature. And because we are able to do this, as a fair fashion company, we want to do something for other beings who deserve our respect: animals. This is our 3-pillar principle.

Our 3-pillar principle


support & help

Bonnibold likes people. Above all, we want to help those people who also contribute to a better world through their work. That's why we like to work with women who produce sustainable clothing and textiles in structurally weak regions. With every purchase you help to improve the prospects of these women and also the children
to offer a better future. That too is fair fashion.



protect & promote animal rights activists

We also respect
the life of animals. We promote animal welfare not only through our own projects,
but also support people who care for the welfare or the
Emphasis on rescue of animals. Part of our income goes to
animals in need or animal organizations. For our customers
makes sustainable, animal-friendly shopping simply more fun. To you too?


maintain & maintain

Setting an example for sustainable living with Bonnibold. Our nature is beautiful. It is she who sustains us. And that's why we should do everything we can to preserve them. As a sustainable company, we speak out against overproduction and fast fashion. Our sustainable clothing is carefully selected and our limited range should show you how you can build a great wardrobe with just a few beautiful pieces.

Hamamtuch Dünn Harmonie - Bonnibold
Dünnes Strandtuch aus Bio Baumwolle
Dünnes Strandtuch aus Bio Baumwolle
Hamamtuch dünn aus Bio Baumwolle
Dünnes Saunatuch aus Bio Baumwolle
dünnes Badetuch aus Bio Baummwolle

Multipurpose cloth Harmony

Regular price€34.99
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

€0.68 - (2% werden für wohltätige Zwecke gespendet)




upholstery covers



Wo Nachhaltigkeit auf zeitlose Eleganz trifft!

Bei uns steht die Verbindung von Handwerk und Moderne im Fokus, um einzigartige und
stilvolle Produkte zu schaffen, die unsere Werte widerspiegeln.

Entdecke die Zukunft der Mode: Mehr Nachhaltigkeit, echtes Handwerk und tiefer Respekt
gegenüber Tradition, Mensch, Tier und Natur.

Unsere Tücher werden auf alten Webstühlen in Handarbeit gewebt. Diese Tücher dienen als Grundlage für unsere Oeko Tuniken, die von talentierten Weberrinnen gefertigt werden. Unsere Mission geht über die Herstellung hinaus – wir unterstützen die Damen in der Türkei, damit sie sich selbstbewusst und selbstsicher fühlen können, während sie mit Liebe und Handarbeit unsere einzigartigen Produkte schaffen.

Willkommen bei unserer Welt, wo Nachhaltigkeit und zeitlose Eleganz Hand in Hand gehen!

Lisa_Wien_oper_Hose weiß_Pulli-Weiß

No contradiction: chic and sustainable.

We have put together a carefully selected range of high-quality GOTS-certified sustainable clothing and household textiles for you. Due to our high standards for the fair fashion we sell, such as quality, value for money, benefits for humans, animals and nature as well as certifications, it is also very important to us how our partners treat our planet. Our range is limited by quality and sustainability criteria. Organic cotton is not used by every fashion brand, but increasingly by fair fashion brands. This distinguishes us from fast fashion. But that shouldn't be a disadvantage for you. On the contrary. Our customers build up a special relationship of trust with us and our sustainable fashion through their first purchase experiences at Bonnibold. Because if you know that you can get the sustainable clothing you really want from us, it's not difficult for you to choose the pieces that suit your taste in fashion. Our models have a timeless design that allows you to combine them with many other fair fashion items of clothing and enjoy them for a long time. Sustainable fashion is very important! By buying from Bonnibold, you avoid the fast fashion trap and help empower the fair fashion brands that strive to make our world a better place and healthier for people, animals and nature.
Online shopping with confidence

When you order your sustainable clothing online, you want to be able to trust the store of your choice. We are a small, family-run Austrian online company for sustainable fashion, based in Mödling/Vienna. It is important to us that our customers can buy our goods safely and with confidence. That's why we had our shop certified. Bonnibold bears the Austrian e-commerce quality mark. This is also recognized by the E-Commerce Europe Trustmark. This means that we work to the highest standards and offer our customers the best possible service.

What we promise you: When selecting our goods, we pay close attention to quality and sustainability, so that you can enjoy our sustainable fashion for a long time. Our greatest concern is that you are satisfied with the purchase from us and that you place your trust in us.

That's why we offer you
a money-back guarantee that allows you to shop completely risk-free. Order now and convince yourself of our quality!

With your order you have even more advantages. We sell sustainable clothing. That's why plastic-free packaging and climate-neutral shipping to you are important to us
of course. And because we are fair, you can also order your fair clothing from us on account via Klarna.
